Saturday, February 15, 2025

Manningham clocks on for co-working trial

Manningham City Council has partnered with Flexible Work Australia, Eastern Innovation Business Centre, Eastern Metro Partnership and the Victorian Government to offer local businesses and workers an opportunity to explore co-working spaces. 

Throughout November and December, $100 vouchers will be available to eligible businesses and workers registering with Flexible Workspace Australia to trial co-working at participating office spaces across eastern metropolitan Melbourne.

Manningham Mayor, Andrew Conlon said co-working spaces have the familiarity of home, with formality.

“It can be perfect for freelancers and ideal for larger businesses that find their offices overstaffed with temporary workers or looking for alternative remote working options,” he said.

“It can promote mental health and workplace wellness by encouraging social interaction between professionals and an opportunity to network across industries.”

Individuals or businesses who want to try co-working can register with Flexible Workspace Australia and receive a $100 voucher to use at a nominated participating co-working site.

All listed co-working sites have strict hygiene protocols, QR code check-ins, COVID Worksafe Plans and regular sanitising.

To find out more and receive a co-working voucher, visit

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