Sunday, January 26, 2025


Redland council working smarter

Redland City Council is investigating new ways of providing better value for its ratepayers’ dollars. In a statement, the Council said economies of scale can...

Hornsby progresses rural lands plan

Hornsby Shire Council has endorsed the progression of a Rural Lands Planning Proposal aimed at protecting and enhancing local rural lands. Finalised in June last...

Goondiwindi water upgrades complete

Goondiwindi Regional Council has completed an upgrade of its George Street water filtration plant. Council said works to replace and upgrade the pumps at the...

Sharks nets returned to NSW beaches

Shark nets have today returned to beaches along the NSW coast despite the majority of local councils passing motions earlier this year rejecting their...

EOI open for water risk reduction program

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) is seeking expressions of interest to join one of two working groups to help shape...

New era for Murray-Darling management

Today marks the first day of the independent Office of Inspector General of Water Compliance for the Murray–Darling Basin, with the official appointment of...

Cairns calls for government backing of $215m water project

A new video advocating for a critical $215 million water project and the need for government financial support for the undertaking has been released...

12 councils to share in flying fox control funding

The Queensland Government has announced more than $500,000 in funding for local councils right across the state to help manage flying fox roosts. Environment Minister,...

Water allocations slashed for Gwydir and Border rivers

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has today advised that supplementary water allocations for the Gwydir and Border Rivers are likely to...

Bathurst’s Mount Panorama site to be protected

Minister for the Environment, Sussan Ley, has made a declaration to protect an area on Mount Panorama/Wahluu under section 10 of the Aboriginal and...

Dam dredging to protect Clermont water supply

A $1.36 million project to dredge Theresa Creek Dam will help future proof Clermont’s water security. Isaac Regional Council has engaged a contractor to remove...

Redland council adopts erosion management plan

Redland City Council has adopted the Coochiemudlo Island Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP), which outlines its strategy to manage current and future erosion risks. Mayor...

Call for SA water board nominees

The Local Government Association of South Australia is seeking nominations for a local government member on the South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board...

Call for ‘single-touch’ environmental approvals

Federal environment laws should be amended immediately to allow states and territories to deliver “single-touch” environmental approvals, an independent review has advised. But the new...

Ipswich catchment plan to help prepare for floods of future

As Ipswich prepares to mark the 10th anniversary of the worst flood in the region’s history, Ipswich City Council has received the outcomes of...