Saturday, February 15, 2025

Liverpool council Budget eyes record spend

Liverpool City Council says its latest budget, which includes a record spend on capital works, will help meet the challenges of being one of the state’s most rapidly growing cites.

Liverpool Mayor, Ned Mannoun (pictured) said the Council has forecast a modest surplus of $3.9 million in a $280 million operating budget with a record high spend of $177.7 million on capital works.

“We are a growing city and council services need to keep pace with the demands this brings so our residents and ratepayers reap the rewards,” said Mayor Mannoun.

“This growth budget will employ more staff to ensure council services meet the expected 58.4% population growth by 2041.

“We are budgeting for staff growth: council is allocating $103 million to increase the number of FTE positions from the current 817 to 992 – that’s an increase of 175. *

The Mayor said additional priorities include: new spending on roads bridges and footpaths ($55.95 million); parks and recreation ($30.4 million); drainage and floodplain management ($24.5 million); buildings and community facilities ($8.55 million) and $652,000 to buy new materials for libraries.

“Of course, we need to keep the council operating and this budget provides $187 million for the essential services that enhance quality of life.”

“This means our staff can do more for the community, taking care of services like mowing, waste collection, community services; and maintaining parks, sporting fields and swimming pools at the levels the residents of Liverpool have come to expect from their council.

“And of course we are grateful for the NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program will see Scott, Macquarie and Railway Streets all upgraded as well as the redevelopment of Woodward Park at Brickmakers Creek.

“In delivering this budget, I am aware there is work still to be done and we will continue to listen to the requests and suggestions from the Liverpool community so we can serve them better,” said Mayor Mannoun.

* Staffing levels: The actual number of staff employed will be higher, given the current staff physical headcount is 917 (incorporating contractors, casuals and job sharers that are all tied back to and sometimes split between Full Time Equivalent positions).

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