Monday, January 20, 2025

Lithgow endorses ‘evolving economy’ plan for future

Lithgow City Council says it has taken decisive action to re-shape Lithgow’s economic future.

The Council recently endorsed the Lithgow Evolving Economy Plan (LEEP). The Plan, which is based on extensive analysis of Lithgow’s endowments and key economic trends, will guide the key actions that are taken over the next decade to grow and diversify the local economy.

“Lithgow is the connector between the fast-growing Western Sydney to the east, and the broad Central West and Orana to the west. The city is well positioned to take advantage of regional economic opportunities such as the new airport in Western Sydney, inland rail and a renewable energy zone,” said Mayor, Maree Statham.

“The Council’s role will be to create a positive investment environment, including planning, working across all levels of government on policy and programs and engaging with the community to gather their involvement in the city’s future.”

She said the Council will also work with the NSW Government to attract State Significant Projects, and leverage programs and initiatives that attract private sector investment.

“LEEP seeks to position Lithgow as a global example of a city that successfully transitions to a broad-based, modern economy with a diversity of resilient job opportunities.”

“Opportunities are available through new forms of energy production, infrastructure such as rail and highways, the city’s solid base of the right sort of human capital and its pivotal location in Australia’s energy and transport system.”

Mayor Statham said the Plan proposes advanced manufacturing, the establishment of a Health Precinct, more government services jobs locally and expansion of the city’s natural, historical and cultural tourism opportunities.

“Issues such as the need for affordable housing, high quality schools and higher education in the region to attract skilled workers and grow the community will also be considered, alongside place-based initiatives to make Lithgow a great locality to live and work,” she said.

For further information on LEEP and the LEEP Transition Plan, click here.

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