Sunday, February 16, 2025

Leadership duo returned for Broken Hill

Broken Hill City Council has been finalised , with two new faces set to serve on the Council

Returning Mayor, Tom Kennedy enjoyed great success with his ticket, with six members elected, including first-time Councillor, Elaine Gillett.

Labor retained its two seats on Council, with LGNSW President, Darriea Turley, to be joined by newcomer, Ashley Byrne.

The Council will be rounded out by returning independent Councillor, Dave Gallagher.

Mayor Tom Kennedy (pictured) paid tribute to outgoing Councillors and welcomed all new and returning Councillors.

“We’ve got a good mix of new and returning Councillors, and I’m very confident we’ll all work together to continue to take the city forward,” said Mayor Kennedy.

“I want to acknowledge the contribution made by Marion Browne and Ron Page throughout their respective careers, and also offer a warm welcome to our new Councillors.

“I also want to thank Council staff for all their hard work throughout the previous term that saw a lot of projects come to fruition.

“We all have an obligation to serve the city to the best of our ability and help it grow, and I look forward to Council achieving that over the next four years.”

Councillor, Jim Hickey will return to the role of Deputy Mayor after being elected to the position at last night’s Extraordinary Meeting of Council.

Cr Hickey received two nominations for the Deputy Mayor position, and was elected unopposed.

“Cr Hickey is very capable in the Deputy Mayor role and has proven himself to be an excellent ambassador and representative for the city,” said Mayor Kennedy.

“He has shown great initiative with regard to advocacy and lobbying for major projects and other matters of strategic interest for Broken Hill.”

Last night’s meeting was also used to swear-in Councillors to their new roles.

Voting results:


Dave Gallagher – Independent: 13.38%

Tom Kennedy – Independent: 70.42%

Darriea Turley – Labor: 16.20%


Labor: 22.78%

Dave Gallagher’s ticket: 12.55%

Tom Kennedy’s ticket: 63%

Branko Licul (Ungrouped): 1.67%


Tom Kennedy (Mayor), Jim Hickey, Bob Algate, Michael Boland, Alan Chandler, Hayley Jewitt, Elaine Gillett, Darriea Turley, Ashley Byrne, Dave Gallagher.

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