Saturday, January 25, 2025

Latrobe Council dishes out fines for illegal dumping

Latrobe City Council is issuing fines to offenders caught on-camera illegally dumping goods at a scrap yard business in Morwell.

Council says the cost of cleaning up the dumped goods has so far resulted in a cost to the community of over $4000.

“This is outrageous behaviour and shows a blatant disrespect for everyone else in the community,” Latrobe City Council Mayor, Sharon Gibson said.

“Council, together with the Federal and State governments, has invested substantial money and time in beautifying the western entrance to Morwell and to have rubbish dumped outside a local business located there lowers the amenity of the town.”

She said the goods dumped illegally were of no use to the business.

“Items should only be taken inside the business when it is open or alternatively to Council’s transfer stations at Moe, Morwell, Yinnar and Traralgon.”

“Council spending the communities’ money on removing rubbish illegally dumped across the municipality is a waste of precious resources. That is money we would all rather see be spent on our roads, preschools and other vital services that Council provides for the smooth operation – and enjoyment – of the community,” Mayor Gibson said.

The Mayor said people had dumped unwanted goods and rubbish across Latrobe City, often in bushland and plantations.

Items dumped include cars, household waste, needles, mattresses, tyres, car parts, building materials and animals. Many of the dumped items can be recycled for free.

The fine for dumping waste illegally is $330, however more significant offences can result in court hearings and fines of up to $4000 – far more than the cost of disposing of the rubbish legally or even arranging a hard rubbish collection via Council.

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