Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kiama Council announces new leadership team

Kiama Council has unveiled a new leadership team as part of an organisational restructure process which commenced in February.

CEO, Jane Stroud said the new line-up would assume responsibility for the key executive roles, which were redefined as part of the restructure.

“We received many impressive applications and following a robust and comprehensive screening and interview process, I’m pleased to announce a team well-placed to lead our workforce and set our business up for success,” Ms Stroud said.

Joe Gaudiosi.

The new executive team is:

Chief Operating Officer – Joe Gaudiosi

Mr Gaudiosi joins the executive following his work with Kiama Council as interim Chief Operating Officer and interim Chief Financial Officer.

Director Planning, Environment and Communities – Jessica Rippon

Ms Rippon has more than 18 years’ experience in local government and has been with Kiama Council since February 2020 as Director Environmental Services.

Director Infrastructure and Liveability – Michael Malone

Mr Malone joins Kiama Council with more than 20 years of local government experience, most recently as Director Infrastructure and Environment at Wollondilly Shire Council.

Ms Stroud has paid tribute to the work of the members of the executive team who she says have helped lead Council and supported the reviews and reforms the organisation is currently undertaking, especially departing Director Engineering and Works, Mike Dowd.

“Kiama Council has faced significant challenges in recent years, which obviously has also challenged our staff, especially those who have played a role in our leadership team over this time,” she said.

“We would not be in the stronger and healthier position we are now, without their outstanding efforts.

“I know I could not do the work I have to do as CEO, without having a strong executive team alongside me.

“Mike has exemplified the commitment to and shared vision for a stronger and agile Kiama Council to support our community today, tomorrow, and for the long term future.”

Ms Stroud said the new leadership team will begin work following the arrival of Mr Malone next week.

Council has also welcomed a new Chief Financial Officer, Olena Tulubinska, who joins the organisation with previous experience as CFO at Shoalhaven and Parramatta councils.

The next phase of the organisational restructure is the appointments to key management roles, including:

• Manager Engineering and Technical

• Manager Planning and Economic Development

• Manager Property and Recreation

These roles were recently advertised and the appointments are expected to be announced later this month, Ms Stroud said.

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