Monday, January 20, 2025

Infrastructure to host council consultation for USO review

The Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure will hold an online consultation with Councils on Friday 8 March at 10am on the review of the Universal Service Obligation (USO).

The USO provides for the provision of a standard telephone service to the people of Australia. Because it was created to ensure access to land-line telephony – it does not cover mobile phone connections or time for repairs on those networks.

The Government is examining universal service arrangements in light of changes in available technologies and consumer preferences over recent years. Telstra provides the majority of USO services over the National Broadband Network (NBN); however it continues to deliver USO services over copper and other networks in regional and remote areas.

The Department will provide an update on key features of existing universal service arrangements, the overall consultation process, and provide an overview of some of the key aspects of the framework that they are seeking input on.

There will then be opportunities for councils to ask questions and provide input.

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) will collate any written submissions or feedback from local government to provide information back to the Department.


To join the consultation, please use the link below.

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device:
Meeting ID: 471 774 530 314
Passcode: K5K9Fi

If you have any questions or information you would like to provide to ALGA, please contact Simon Booth at ALGA on 0488 554 504 or email

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