Thursday, February 20, 2025

Hume City Council offers organic caddies

As part of Sustainability Victoria’s Circular Economy initiative, Hume City Council is offering complimentary caddies for households with an organics bin service in an attempt save 27,000 tonnes of organics ending up in landfill by 2030.

“On average, 50% of the waste we find in household garbage bins is food,” Council said in a statement.

“Now that our organics bin service accepts food scraps along with garden waste, there is no excuse for households to send their food to landfill.”

The free caddy being offered by Council can help residents to:

  • Free up half of your garbage bin;
  • easily recycle food waste; and
  • Make compost not landfill.

If you have an organics bin, order your free caddy.

Find out more on how you can keep your caddy and organics bin fresh, how you can compost, and avoid food wastage.

If you don’t have an organics bin, you can add it to your service and qualify for a free caddy.

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