Negotiations will continue with NSW Police regarding the site at 2 Bourke Street, after Goulburn Mulwaree Council agreed in principle to sell the site to NSW Police for a new station at last week’s Council meeting.
Councillors resolved to advise NSW Police that Council agreed in principle to sell the property ‘as is’ for the market value as determined by a February valuation, plus $50,000 plus GST, with the objective of achieving fair market value for the property and net nil cost to the community.
“A new Police Station in Goulburn will operate as a major regional hub facility, accommodating approximately 150 staff. It will also be another large investment by the NSW Government, and Council wants to ensure it occurs in our City,” said Goulburn Mayor Bob Kirk.
“Council has recognised that this is the preferred site for the Police, however we do need to still investigate and meet our obligations in finding both interim and permanent locations for our existing tenants at Bourke Street, and this will need to be resolved prior to any sale.”
The Mayor and General Manager will continue with negotiations and consultation with current tenants of the Bourke Street property regarding options for relocation. The premises currently houses 12 local user groups including U3A Goulburn Mulwaree, Goulburn Gem Society and the Goulburn Arts Society. A recently emerging option for relocation is the Railway Administrative Buildings in Sloane Street, with a lease for this space now being negotiated.
“These administration buildings have the potential to be a good option for community use,” said General Manager Warwick Bennett.
“Council may need to spend some money to upgrade the buildings in order to activate the area, but we think we can achieve a great result. So far the in-principle agreement with ARTC is for a long term lease at a peppercorn rental.”
NSW Police Property Group has conducted an extensive search of Goulburn to find the location for the new police station, which will service the Hume Police District. They have settled on the Bourke Street site as their preference due its close proximity to the CBD and Court House, excellent access to the Hume Highway and the size of the block being large enough to build the station and provide parking for fleet vehicles.
The current police station is not suitable for expansion or rebuilding due to being a heritage listed site, and having size limitations.
The General Manager will report back to Council at the 19th April Council meeting with the result of sale negotiations and a recommendation to proceed or otherwise with the sale, along with the outcome in regards to existing tenants and the Railway Administrative Buildings.