Thursday, February 20, 2025

Goondiwindi to host bush councils convention

Mayors, councillors, CEOs and sector experts from across rural, remote and regional Queensland will join the Local Government Association of Queensland’s (LGAQ) Bush Councils Convention in Goondiwindi from July 25 to 27.

The conference agenda – with the theme Broad Horizons – will cover critical issues for the bush from disaster management to housing, tourism, roads and education, to workforce and waste.

“Bush Councils have so much to offer and are an iconic part of our state’s identity,” said LGAQ President and Sunshine Coast Mayor, Mark Jamieson.

“This year, we will be in Goondiwindi, where host Mayor Lawrence Springborg is keen to showcase ‘Gundy’ and the region, his community and its warm welcome.”

He said the three-day program was packed with essential and thought-provoking sessions, where participants will have a chance to listen and engage with inspiring speakers, including representatives from all levels of government.

The Bush Council program can be found here.

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