Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Gladstone council to streamline tender process

Gladstone Regional Council has announced it will decommission its current online tender submission system in favour of a new online platform.

In a statement, Council said it was advising current and future suppliers that LG Tender Box, the online platform used to release tenders to the market, was being decommissioned.

“Council currently uses LG Tender Box for releasing tenders and VendorPanel for releasing quotes to the market, but with the decommissioning of LG Tenderbox, suppliers are encouraged to register on the VendorPanel Public Marketplace platform,” Council said.

VendorPanel Marketplace is free for suppliers to use and is utilised by many Queensland Councils.

Once registered, suppliers can receive invitations to tender and quote on work across dozens of categories, from construction to consulting and goods supply.

The platform manages all communication between buyers and suppliers during the procurement process, reducing admin, saving time and ensuring procurement best practice is followed.

Gladstone Region Councillor Rick Hansen said LG Tender Box had already communicated with suppliers registered on their platform and encouraged them to register on VendorPanel.

“While LG Tender Box won’t be decommissioned until 30 May 2021, Council is asking all suppliers – whether they’ve worked with Council previously or not – to register with VendorPanel by mid-April,” Cr Hansen said.

“The switch to VendorPanel allows suppliers to access an easy-to-use platform for lodging quote and tender offers with Gladstone Regional Council.”

Founder and CEO of VendorPanel, James Leathem said procurement spend had always been a key ingredient to the economic health of Australian communities.

“By connecting buyers with local capability, we’re making it easier for organisations to leverage their procurement spend to help local economies adapt and rebound,” Mr Leathem said.

Visit http://vendorpanel.com.au/gladstone/tenders to register your business with VendorPanel Marketplace.

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