Friday, February 14, 2025

Georges River reveals 10 year vision for local learning

A 10-year vision to support local children in their learning and wellbeing will be placed on public exhibition for feedback until 30 January, Georges River Council has announced.

There are currently six early learning centres owned and operated by Council, caring for approximately 440 children and families.

Collaborative learning, early-age decision making, enhanced responsibility towards caring for animals, diverse language learning, sports training and development are all on the drawing board in Georges River Council’s Early Learning Service Strategy 2021-31.

Georges River Mayor, Nick Katris said there was a strong body of evidence indicating that early educational programs and play-based learning provide a solid foundation for children’s development.

“The evidence has driven us to develop a strategy and principles which reflects the values and needs of our local families,” he said.

“Our principles aim to remove barriers and embrace differences. To build a culture that supports and values the participation of children and young people, and their right to be heard.

Oatley West early learning centre.

“Consultation is an important part of what we do at Georges River. We want to enhance our services; your feedback will ensure our new vision meets our community’s current and future needs.”

The draft Strategy presents a series of short, medium and long-term actions to deliver a service that is accessible, inclusive, consistent and innovative:

Access and Inclusion

‘Council is looking to expand its services with an additional, inclusive centre that supports vulnerable children and children with additional needs which inspires collaborative learning between families and children. 

‘We aim to foster a culture of quality improvement through reflection and best practice implementation.’

Place an emphasis on the local community’s diverse background.

Almost half – 46% of Georges River’s children aged between 0-9 years speak a language other than English, which is significantly higher than the 32% average in greater Sydney.

‘Council is looking to create an environment where education in early childhood comes in many forms, with productive interaction either in diverse languages, personalities or methodologies that will stimulate children.’

‘We place an emphasis on the history of our land, ensuring children are aware and educated about our traditional custodians. We promote a respectful culture where the children participate in an acknowledgement of Country each morning.’

Children focused services

Council will provide materials and programs that allow children to learn through play. These programs will be appropriate for children’s individual interests and developmental needs, including:

·       Cooking, arts and craft

·       Gardening and sustainability initiatives 

·       Sports and Gross Motor programs, that will guide children’s awareness in structured play

·       Caring for animals in the centres including: native bees, chickens, tadpoles and fish

·       Establish relationships with local community nursing homes

·       Language development, music and dance lessons.

Georges River Council’s draft Early Learning Strategy is now on public exhibition, for more details, visit:

Copies of the draft are also accessible in Council libraries, Early Learning Centres and the Hurstville Civic Centre. 

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