Friday, February 14, 2025

Fremantle trial to cash in on Containers for Change

City of Fremantle Council is trialling a new community recycling initiative to allow members of the public to recycle more 10c containers otherwise destined for landfill.

Containers for Change has partnered with the City of Fremantle and the City of Wanneroo to trial Container Exchange points on public waste bins throughout both local government areas.

The points are attached to public bins and hold between six and 100 drink containers. Containers placed in the Container Exchange points are then available for anyone to collect and return to a Containers for Change refund point.

With 51% of Perth residents admitting to throwing recyclable containers in landfill bins while out and about, Containers for Change CEO, Tim Cusack said the trial has already shown promise.

“The Container Exchange points are easy to install, require limited maintenance from local governments and allow members of the community to do the right thing by keeping their 10c containers out of landfill,” Mr Cusack said.

“In the first two weeks we have had wonderful feedback from the community – people want to recycle; they just need the opportunity to do so easily.

“The grassroots nature of this initiative puts responsibility on the community to collect and recycle the containers – and we are finding people are grasping this responsibility with both hands.”

Fremantle’s Container Exchange points have been installed at Walyalup Koort, High Street Mall, Pioneer Park and along the famous Cappuccino Strip.

Fremantle Mayor, Hannah Fitzhardinge said she hoped the Container Exchange points would result in even more containers being cashed in at the City’s Containers for Change refund point.

“The City of Fremantle was delighted to set up a Containers for Change refund point when the program first launched back in October 2020, and now we’re excited to be involved in this trial,” Mayor Fitzhardinge said.

“Since it opened our refund point on Knutsford Street has been hugely popular, with millions of containers being handed in for recycling instead of going to landfill.

“Not only does Containers for Change allow people to claim a 10c refund for every eligible container they hand in, it has also raised thousands of dollars for charities, schools and sporting clubs, plus the profits the City of Fremantle makes from our refund point are reinvested back into the community.

“These Container Exchange points will provide even more opportunities for people to earn some extra cash while also keeping our streets tidy and protecting our environment.”

Since Containers for Change launched in October 2020, more than 1.17 billion 10c containers have been recycled through the program, with $3.97 million in refunds donated to community groups and charities across the state.

The City of Fremantle’s Containers for Change refund point is located at 83 Knutsford Street and is open every day of the week except Wednesday.

For more information please visit

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