Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Former Minister to lead Faith Housing Alliance

Former NSW Minister for Infrastructure, Cities and Active Transport, Rob Stokes, has been announced as the new Chair of Faith Housing Alliance, the peak body representing community housing providers, organisations and individuals united by a faith mission.

“Housing and planning reform have been key themes across my 16 years in politics, and as Chair, I intend to be a clear voice for housing justice,” said Mr Stokes.

“The lack of stable and safe social and affordable housing in NSW and across Australia has been at crisis levels for some time, but now with rent inflation affecting both cities and regional areas, rebounding migration and the soaring cost of basic living expenses, hundreds of thousands of households are at risk.”

CEO of Faith Housing Alliance, Rose Thomson, said Mr Stokes was a natural fit to lead as Chair.

“Mr Stokes has been inspired by the work of our members who are at the forefront of this crisis every day. These are some of Australia’s most trusted charities whose dedication is a vibrant expression of their faith, long-term commitment to social justice and building communities where everyone can thrive,” said Ms Thomson.

“Mr Stokes, like many Australians, recognises that this issue is critical and wants to use his skills and capacities to address the housing crisis. We welcome everyone who feels passionately that housing is a human right to add their voice and be part of making a difference across our cities and regions.”

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