Thursday, February 13, 2025

Federal Drive reopening delayed


Byron Shire Council has announced that it expects Federal Drive will be not reopen until at least June, depending on weather. 

Council Manager Infrastructure Recovery, Evan Elford said that while the last update on the project suggested it would be completed by April, continuing wet weather, has meant this timeline has had to be pushed back.

“We appreciate the frustration that everyone in Federal and nearby is feeling, and we will continue to work with contractors to get Federal Drive open as soon as possible,” he said.

“Unfortunately, due to the continued wet weather, such as the rain event on Thursday 4 April, there continues to be challenges in getting this project completed.

“While the landslip repair is almost completed, we need around three weeks of dry weather to finish the road.

“This is an extremely complex project, and we thank the residents for their continued patience. We know it hasn’t been easy having to take detours for the last two years, and there has been impacts to businesses in Federal,” said Mr Elford.

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