Tuesday, February 18, 2025

EOI flows for river reconnection program

LGNSW is seeking expressions of interest from elected members to act as its representative on the Peak Bodies Group on the Department of Planning, Infrastructure and the Environment (DPIE) Reconnecting River Country Program.

The goal of the program is to achieve a balance of economic, social, cultural and environmental outcomes across southern NSW by improving wetland and floodplain connectivity.

The program reimagines the delivery of the NSW Constraints Measures projects under the Murray Darling Basin Plan and will focus on developing options to improve the delivery of water for the environment to allow connectivity between our river channels and the floodplain wetlands in the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers.

It will focus on delivering local community benefits as part of the NSW Government’s commitment to delivering sensible, community-driven, Murray-Darling Basin Plan outcomes.

Candidates with experience in local government water utilities, water policy, the environment and knowledge of the issues facing the Murray Darling Basin are strongly encouraged to apply. 


Applications should include a short resume and an application letter addressing the selection criteria:

  1. Experience in water policy and related issue.
  2. An ability to report their views and those of the wider community to the Department.
  3. An ability to give feedback from meetings with DPIE to LGNSW staff.

Applications must be submitted to LGNSW by Friday 17 September 2021.

If you have any questions, email Shaun McBride, LGNSW Chief Economist, or call 02 9242 4072.

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