Port Fairy’s iconic East Beach is set to be transformed thanks to a State Government funding commitment, Victoria’s Moyne Shire Council has announced.
Mayor, Ian Smith, said Council was delighted with the announcement the Victorian Government would contribute $1.2 million to implement the first stage of the East Beach Masterplan, which was developed in 2018 with significant input from the community.
Mayor Smith said the works include the replacement of toilet and shower facilities, creation of a grassed passive recreation area, landscaping, barbecue facilities and accessible recreation areas, seating and furniture, car parking and road works.
“These improvements will add to the areas unique beauty and encourage greater use of East Beach for gatherings of locals and visitors,” he said.
“During consultation the community said the area needed to be safer for pedestrians, accessibility needed to be improved, the toilet facilities needed to upgraded and more passive recreation spaces were needed.
“The masterplan Council adopted reflected the community’s desires for the area and now,
thanks to this funding, we will be able to realise that vision as part of stage one – which will have long-lasting benefits for the community.
“Council has been advocating for this project since 2019 and we thank the State Government for making this commitment. We look forward to getting to work and delivering a revamp of East Beach that will encourage even more use of this iconic spot.”
Mayor Smith said with the project now fully funded, council would undertake final design and planning works. He said works would be based on the concept designs which featured natural timbers and stone.
Stage one work has a total cost of $1,693,758 – with the State Government contributing
$1,270,319. Council has budgeted a $450,000 contribution.
Some civil works will be completed by council’s own teams, with other works contracted out via tender, Council said in a statement.