Thursday, December 5, 2024

Crater Lake precinct to reopen following January blaze

The City of Mount Gambier Council will reopen the Blue Gum Trail in the Crater Lake precinct tomorrow, following a significant fire in the area in January this year.

To ensure the safety of trail users, Council felled almost 50 pine trees that had died in the months following the fire. To reduce fuel load, much of the timber was mulched and removed from the precinct, Council said in a statement today.

The area is now accessible following significant risk assessments undertaken by consultant engineers since the fire recovery began. The Council says the inspections will continue for some time.

Signage is in place reminding trail users that the area is in fire recovery and not to leave the tracks.

Since the fire, Council has enabled a staged reopening of areas where the risk to the public has been reduced.

The crater rim from the stairs to Centenary Tower and the back section of Carinya Gardens Cemetery are the only remaining zones closed to the public.

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