Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Council calls out pokies ‘loophole’ law

Kingston City Council has presented a motion to the Municipal Association of Victoria
(MAV) State Council calling on the state’s Planning Minister to block what it says is a major
loophole in planning laws that exposes residents to a greater risk of gambling harm, just by buying groceries.

The motion follows the VCAT approval of a Woolworths-based shopping centre just 75
metres from the entrance to the poker machine venue at the Chelsea Heights Hotel.

Under current planning laws (Clause 52.28) Councils can ban the development of gambling
venues in retail areas, however, the VCAT decision now leaves an opening for retail giants to be built adjacent to gambling venues.

“In Victoria it’s nonsensical that you can’t build a gaming venue next to a supermarket, but
you can build a supermarket next to an existing gaming venue,” said Mayor Steve Staikos.

“This gap in logic leaves our communities open to the very real trauma of gambling harm.”

It says residents lost nearly $44.2 million through poker machines in 2020/21, despite venues being closed for nearly five months. In a normal year, gambling harm would total nearly $80 million.

Council called on the MAV to:
• Prohibit gaming premises in close proximity to supermarkets under the Victorian planning
• Advocate for changes to the Victorian Planning Provisions that would prohibit the use of
land for a Supermarket under the Commercial 2 Zone in situations it is seeking to
establish in close proximity to an established Gaming premise

Kingston opposed the Woolworths development and is appealing the VCAT decision in the
Supreme Court of Victoria in late July.

In the meantime, Council says it will continue to advocate for greater gambling harm reduction measures in collaboration with the Alliance for Gambling Reform and community groups via its Enough is Enough campaign.

Enough is Enough campaign: www.yourkingstonyoursay.com.au/enough-is-enough-campaign

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