Friday, February 14, 2025

Brisbane’s plan to “build back better” with flood resilience program

Brisbane City Council is helping community and sporting clubs “build back better” after the February floods through its new Rebuild & Recover Flood Resilient Communities Program.

Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said more than 300 sporting and community clubs operating from Council-leased facilities were impacted by one of Brisbane’s worst ever flooding events.

“Thousands of residents rely on our local clubs and community organisations to be healthier, happier and better connected,” Lord Mayor Schrinner said.

“During one of Brisbane’s biggest ever flood events, many sporting and community clubs in low-lying areas were inundated leaving significant damage to facilities and grounds.

“We know from the success of our Flood Resilient Homes Program that understanding flood risk and building for resilience has enabled many flood-prone residents to recover quicker.

“Through the Rebuild & Recover Flood Resilient Communities Program, we’re working with affected community clubs and organisations to adapt and prepare for future flood events.”

PM Scott Morrison and Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner examine a flood map.

Lord Mayor Schrinner said the program engages experts to perform damage assessments on facilities and identify a high-level scope of works and repairs, showing clubs and organisations how upgrades are achievable and why it’s worth investing in long-term solutions.

“The club or organisation will then receive a report with easy-to-understand technical advice which they can use to undertake works that will shorten recovery time, save money and relieve stress in the event of future floods,” he said.

“If water does enter a facility, some of the improvements that could help clubs get back operating without major works include replacing carpet with vinyl, installing tiling or water-resistant skirting boards and raising electrical outlets.”

More than 100 organisations have been identified and invited to sign up to the program.

The $500,000 program is being delivered by the Brisbane Sustainability Agency, which delivers the Flood Resilient Homes Program and the Resilient Clubs Support Program.

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