Thursday, February 20, 2025

Blue Mountains council to seek funding for landslip repair


Blue Mountains City Council has announced it will submit a request for funding for under the NSW Government’s Natural Disaster Relief Fund to repair Mitchells Pass at Glenbrook following a recent landslip.

Mitchells Pass remains closed to pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles, with one lane access open to Mitchell’s Pass residents only.

A natural disaster was declared in the Blue Mountains and Lithgow LGAs after an extreme wet weather event on 5 April, which saw more than 200mm of rain fall across the Blue Mountains and Greater Sydney.

Other sites impacted by the flooding event include Megalong Road, Megalong Valley (partially closed); Railway Pde, Leura (partially closed); Kanimbla Drive, Blackheath (now open), as well as non-road impacting slips at Echo Point and Glenbrook Oval. Significant damage also occurred at Lapstone Tunnel and Leura Culvert, Cliff Drive, Leura and to 10 Council buildings. 

Mayor, Mark Greenhill said it was the fifth natural disaster in four years to impact the Blue Mountains.

While Council expediates the necessary steps to commence reconstruction works, ongoing preventive and risk management work has been undertaken to allow essential access for residents of Mitchells Pass.

“Following the landslip, preventative maintenance and pipe clearing have been completed,” Mayor Greenhill said.

“The drainage in this area is a main collection point of the sediment and water that comes from the highway and local roads. Council has completed clearing a pipe further downstream as risk control measure to ensure no further overflows affect the landslip.

“Geotechnicians have attended the site and submitted their recommendations for reconstruction works, which include the repair of road pavement and stabilisation works for the slip. 

“Council is submitting a request for funding for the reconstruction works under the Natural Disaster Relief Funding administered by TfNSW, who need to approve the works proposed prior to works commencing.”

The Mayor said Sydney Water will also need to complete the bypass of the sewerage line prior to the commencement of this reconstruction work.

“Council project managers have met with Sydney Water to agree on scope of works and are anticipating the confirmation of a construction date from Sydney Water in coming days,” he said.

“I would like to thank the community, especially the residents of Mitchells Pass for their patience while we work to quickly repair the damage caused by the landslip.

“Opening one lane to Mitchells Pass residents allows local access while we work on a permanent solution. In the meantime, the site is being monitored by Council with regular inspections for movement of site.” 

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