Monday, February 10, 2025

Blue Mountains cemeteries plan released

Sydney’s Blue Mountains City Council has released its Draft Strategic Plan for BMCC Cemeteries.

Council manages nine cemeteries which are all located on a Crown reserve for Cemetery across a range of rural, bushland and urban settings.

“The purpose of this plan is to establish a strategic direction to guide the provision, management, operations and continued improvement of Council’s cemeteries over the next 40-plus years,” Blue Mountains Mayor, Mark Greenhill said.

The Strategic Plan includes an overall plan for provision of interment services, including:

  • Forecasting projected needs for interment space over 40+ years;
  • An assessment of the opportunities and constraints of existing cemeteries, particularly those relating to heritage-listed cemeteries and significant graves;
  • An assessment of capacity of existing cemeteries;
  • Options for management of cemeteries including those closed to burials;
  • Implementation and resourcing plans to achieve and monitor success in achieving the recommendations.

The plan is open for public submissions until July 9.

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