Friday, March 7, 2025

Asbestos found in Shoalhaven waste depot check

A routine quality check for contaminants at a Shoalhaven City Council waste depot has revealed a piece of bonded asbestos the size of a 20 cent coin in a prepared, but unused mulch stockpile.

Council says the stockpile at the Huskisson Waste and Recycling Depot has since been isolated, with the material and surrounding area to be assessed and reported on by a licensed asbestos assessor.

Following the discovery, Council has undertaken precautionary measures while waiting on the results of the assessment: the creation of an exclusion zone; warning signage; and dust suppression.

Waste Services Manager, Darron Ellery said the piece of asbestos came from a stockpile that had not been distributed outside the depot, making it easier to isolate the area and perform a thorough assessment.

“The mulch consists mostly of residential garden waste and is checked as part of Council’s standard quality assurance practices before being made available to the public for landscaping purposes,” he said.

Recommendations from the assessment and any additional testing are due in the coming weeks.

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