Friday, October 18, 2024

Green fleet solutions: how EcoTeq is helping LG to break down barriers


Across Australia, councils are pledging to achieve net zero emissions targets, with some aiming to reach net zero as soon as 2025, while others, such as the City of Yarra and Brisbane City Council, already having achieved that goal.

Transitional challenges, however, are holding others back from taking those first positive steps forward, such as transitioning their vehicle and maintenance fleets to electric.

This step alone can virtually eliminate carbon emissions – a significant contribution towards achievement of net zero.

The benefits to electric fleet transition don’t end with a positive impact on the environment. The decision can also contribute to a healthy bottom line, with significant reductions to the costs of running and maintaining electric equipment. Not to mention, the improvements to safety and operator comfort.

The solution to charging infrastructure

Charging stations for EVs and equipment can be perceived as an insurmountable barrier, but is ultimately one that can be easily solved to enable green fleet transition.

We need only look to the City of Westminster in London – who are leading the way with the installation of lamp post street charging facilities throughout their borough – for ease of access whilst in-keeping the local aesthetic.

Interestingly, a myriad of electric outdoor maintenance machines – such as EcoTeq’s range of Mean Green mowers and street sweepers – actually don’t require specialist charge points. Simply plugging the mower into a regular power point will fully charge the battery overnight, delivering the power required to work through a full days shift.

The solution to reluctant stakeholders

For climate change naysayers or those with an entrenched allegiance to fossil-fuel, the productivity and economic outcomes of green fleet transition will get them excited. It’s not just a ‘box-ticking exercise’. The impact of reduced running and maintenance costs, along with reduced machine downtime, equates to a very compelling Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) argument.

Some simply need to see it, to believe it. And if it’s not the economic and productivity benefits that win them over, it will be the improvement to operator safety and comfort. That’s why electric equipment suppliers such as EcoTeq are taking the show on the road, demonstrating their all-electric range to local governments around the country.

The solution to budgeting

The rapidly increasing costs of fuel and spare parts calls for maintenance crews to take greater control of their ongoing expenses. TCO calculations compare the lifetime costs of diesel to petrol to electricity, opening the door to conversations around the long-term value of green fleet transition.

For some councils, hiring the machines is a less obstructive means to start their green fleet transition, while testing the equipment in-situ. Gathering evidence and data on productivity metrics while in use can support development of a strong use case for future full-fleet transition.

The solution to outdoor maintenance green fleet transition

With powerful torque, outstanding run times and zero emissions, EcoTeq’s next-generation electric outdoor maintenance equipment means local governments no longer have to choose between the environment, safety and productivity. Get the best of all three in a high-performance, high-efficiency package – that’s great for the environment, community, operators and the bottom line.

Request a demonstration near you. Call 1800 100 150 or visit

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