Friday, March 14, 2025

CEWH welcomes River Murray management assessment


The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) has today welcomed the release of the Inspector-General of Water Compliance report: ‘Steady as it flows’ – An assessment of River Murray operations and environmental water management’.

The Inspector-General of Water Compliance undertook a consultative assessment of the CEWH’s operations.

The assessment reviewed the robustness and adequacy of planning, delivery, measurement, review, and engagement and communication around the use of water for the environment and identified areas for improvement.

The Inspector-General found that:

  • water planning processes are consistent with the Basin Plan;
  • environmental water use adheres to State requirements for measuring water;
  • the CEWH’s monitoring, evaluation and reporting of water use meets its adaptive management and reporting obligations;
  • the CEWH has made a considerable effort into communication however the results of this effort are unclear;
  • investment in Local Engagement Officers has created positive on-ground relationships.

The assessment found that the CEWH is performing its functions competently and in accordance with Basin Plan environmental objectives, however, some possible improvements were identified. These included continued improvements in the areas of measurement of environmental water, and communication and engagement.

The CEWH acknowledged the areas for improvement identified through the assessment and says it will consider and respond in the coming months.

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