Sunday, February 16, 2025

Western Sydney councils to plug in 52,200 LED streetlights

A new agreement with Endeavour Energy will see seven Western Sydney councils install 52,200 new energy-saving LED streetlights, replacing older, less efficient ‘mercury vapour’ light bulbs.

Under the Western Sydney Energy Program, the rollout of the LED streetlights is expected to save Western Sydney ratepayers more than $3.2 million in energy costs each year and reduce greenhouse gases by 14,000tCO2.

Residents across the seven council areas will also benefit from brighter, more reliable, and higher-quality street lighting and improved public safety.

Councils participating in the Western Sydney Energy Program are Blacktown City, Blue Mountains City, Cumberland City, Hawkesbury City, The Hills Shire, Lithgow City, and Liverpool City.

Energy Australia’s Ben Barker tours Blacktown Mayor Tony Bleasdale and Liverpool Deputy Mayor Karress Rhodes through Energy Australia’s Hoxton Park Depot System Operating Centre.

“We are pleased to partner with our Western Sydney councils to achieve both environmental and financial benefits for their communities,” said Endeavour Energy, General Manager of Business Services, Andrew Pitman.

“The new LED streetlights are up to 60% more energy efficient and have a significantly longer life than mercury lights lasting up to 20 years.

“By using this new technology, we are able to provide more efficient and sustainable public lighting that will improve the safety of local communities while also saving ratepayers money,” he said.

Endeavour Energy is investing $50 million in the council streetlight upgrade across its network, which is expected to be completed by 2024.

The Western Sydney Energy Program is coordinated by Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC), the peak body representing councils in Greater Western Sydney.

“Street lighting makes up a very large part of councils’ electricity bill,” said WSROC President, Councillor Barry Calvert.

“Through the Western Sydney Energy Program, WSROC works closely with Western Sydney councils and in partnership with Endeavour Energy to replace older, inefficient streetlights with the latest energy-saving LED lights. 

“Public street lighting costs ratepayers millions of dollars each year, with street lighting dominating councils’ energy costs.

“So, anything councils can do to reduce costs — and carbon emissions — will allow councils to redirect funding to other projects, infrastructure and wider services.

“The Western Sydney Energy Program is among the most ambitious street lighting replacement projects NSW has ever seen,” he said.

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