Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Waverley council battens the hatches amid COVID battle

Waverley Council has announced a raft of cancellations of community activities as Sydney battles a growing number of COVID-19 cases.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos said it was critical that both Council and the community played a part in stopping the spread of the highly infectious Delta variant of the virus.

“It is disappointing that we can’t launch our flagship events such as the Bondi Festival, and the popular school holiday programs as we planned, but it is critical that we all play our part,” Mayor Masselos said.

“The testing clinics at Hollywood Avenue Bondi Junction (open 8am-10pm daily) and at Bondi Beach (open 7.30am to 10pm daily) continue to operate extended hours and we urge people to take NSW Health advice and get tested.”

She said the Bondi Festival will be re-assessed next week but Ferris Wheel rides, ice skating and performances will not go ahead until next Thursday July 1 at the earliest.

Council’s School Holiday Programs are also cancelled for Monday June 28, Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 with an assessment of the situation next week to determine the rest of the holidays, the Mayor said.

Seniors events including those in Waverley Library and programs at the Margaret Whitlam Centre are also cancelled.

Waverley Library and the Customer Service Centre in Spring Street remain open, with mask-wearing a condition of entry.

Mayor Masselos said Council would continue to monitor the situation and provide updates where possible.

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