Mornington Peninsula Shire Council has welcomed the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal’s (VCAT) decision to refuse to grant a permit to Ryman Healthcare for its proposed development at Mt Eliza.
“The protection of the Green Wedge and the essential separation of the built environment to the natural environment is so important to the character of the Mornington Peninsula,” said Mayor Despi O’Connor.
“Today’s decision by VCAT upholds the importance of that issue for our community.”
“I’d like to thank our current and former councillors and make special mention of the huge effort from the broader community and their ongoing commitment to protecting this unique feature of the Mornington Peninsula.”
Council says the proposed development at 60-70 Kunyung Road, on land which lays outside the Urban Growth Boundary, is at odds with the amenity of the surrounding Green Wedge.
The VCAT hearing involved the New Zealand-based company’s attempts to overturn the refusal of the development by Mornington Peninsula Shire Council.