Monday, February 10, 2025

UWU claims win on wage freeze

The United Workers Union (UWU), which represents public service workers across the Northern Territory, has welcomed the Territory Government’s announcement to end a sector wage freeze.

The Government’s change of position has come after UWU and other public sector unions took various forms of protest and strike action over the course of the year, the Union said in a statement today.

“The removal of the freeze paved the way for the union and its public sector members to return to the negotiating table to pursue positive outcomes for Territory workers and the wider community,” it said.

Union members are expected to endorse future offers as part of the usual bargaining process.

UWU NT Secretary, Erina Early said the current offer of 2% still fell short of expectations but the return to bargaining wage outcomes was “very good news”.  

“The new offer will come as a welcome relief to all public sector workers who have been stuck under the wage freeze for two years,” Ms Early said.

“During that time, UWU members have been campaigning for a fairer wage, through walk-offs and other actions and this action has paid off.

“The win clearly demonstrates the benefits and the power of being in a union,” she said.

UWU says it will work with the NT Government over coming weeks to figure out the detail of the changed policy.

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