Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Townsville tender for library café tenants

Townsville City Council is calling on café owners to consider adding their own flavour to the new Thuringowa City Library at Riverway, with tenders opening today.

Business Services and Finance Committee chairperson Margie Ryder said both visitors to the library and visitors to the lagoons and playgrounds would benefit from additional cafés.

“The existing CityLibrary at Kirwan receives a large amount of visitors and has had a café inside it for many years, and the feedback Council receives is that the café is a highly-valued addition to the library experience,” Cr Ryder said.

“Council is calling on tenders from café owners to provide visitors to Riverway the chance to enjoy anything from a simple cup of coffee to a meal. We’re looking forward to seeing the variety of cafes that tender for this space.”

Cr Ryder said it was exciting to see how the plans for the new library would enhance Riverway.

“Riverway is an important meeting point for our community and it’s set to become even more important to locals with the Thuringowa Library moving into the Riverway Arts Centre,” she said.

“Riverway has some great existing facilities like the sports fields, the lagoons and Pinnacles Art Gallery. Moving the library to Riverway will cement the precinct’s reputation as a premier community space in the city.”

To tender for the commercial café space at Riverway, head to Council’s Vendor Panel.

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