The NSW Tourism Industry Council is calling for towns across NSW to showcase their tourism excellence and enter the Top Tourism Town Awards 2023.
The Awards highlight the value of tourism and the visitor economy to the cities, towns and villages across NSW and celebrates their commitment to encouraging tourism and visitation to their destinations, providing economic and social benefits to their communities.
“The Top Tourism Town Awards are a wonderful way to recognise communities that collaborate to make their town the best destination it can be, particularly given the difficult trading conditions over the last three years,” said NSW Tourism Industry Council Senior Director, Paula Martin.
“Groups such as local chambers of commerce, tourism associations, councils, visitor information centres or motivated groups of local operators are encouraged to collaborate and showcase their town as a great visitor destination.”
Towns can enter under three categories: Tiny Tourism Town, Small Tourism Town, and Top Tourism Town. Winners go on to compete at the National Awards.
“Last year’s NSW representatives’ winners were Mudgee (Top Tourism Town), Berry (Small Tourism Town), and Carcoar (Tiny Tourism Town), with Mudgee winning Australia’s Top Tourism Town category for the second year in a row,” said Ms Martin.
“With more than 50 towns participating from top destinations across the country, NSW towns have worked hard to find their niche with exciting and unique visitor experiences.
“The 2022 entrants told us the program gave towns the opportunity to embrace their local identity and spotlight their special place in NSW,” she said.
There are three categories within the NSW Top Tourism Town program:
- Top Tourism Town – suited to established tourism towns where a range of attractions, accommodation and visitor experiences already exist, particularly those with a population over 5,000 people.
- Small Tourism Town – suited to towns that are in the process of establishing a tourism strategy and developing visitor experiences, particularly those with a population below 5,000 people.
- Tiny Tourism Town – for emerging towns in the process of establishing a visitor strategy and developing their tourist offerings, with a population less than 1,500 people.
Winners in each category will be announced in partnership with Local Government NSW at the 2023Destination and Visitor Economy Conference at Manly on Tuesday 30 May.
Key dates for the awards are:
Wednesday 15 February: Nominations Open (expression of interest to enter);
Friday 3 March, 5pm: Nomination Deadline;
Wednesday 5 April, 5pm: Submission Deadline;
Friday 28 April: Finalists announced;
Friday 28 April (9am)–Friday 12 May (5pm): Public voting;
Tuesday 30 May: NSW Winners announced during LGNSW Destination and Visitor Economy Conference.
Follow this link for further information.