Support for homeless in Rockhampton

Rockhampton Regional Council is partnering with service providers across the Region to provide support packs to people experiencing homelessness.

Communities Councillor Drew Wickerson said Council had worked closely with assistance agencies on planning and delivering the initiative.

“Normally around this time of year we would support service providers and organisations across the Region to hold an event called Homeless Connect,” Cr Wickerson said.

“This event provides people who are experiencing or who are at risk of homelessness with access to various services, as well as an opportunity stock up on essential items,” he said.

“Local service providers looked at various ways that the event could go ahead this year, however unfortunately the contact tracing and health regulations still in place due to COVID meant it wasn’t possible.

“We are planning to go ahead with the full event in 2022, however in the interim we all wanted to work together to find an alternative way to support vulnerable members of our community.”

Cr Wickerson said Council was providing 200 vouchers for support packages to service providers throughout the region.

“While it’s a shame we weren’t able to go ahead with the Homeless Connect event this year, I am very glad we’ve been able to support this initiative in its place,” he said.