Friday, February 14, 2025

Snowy Valley councils unite for roads upgrade

Snowy Valleys Council will partner with Snowy Monaro Regional Council to deliver a $20 million upgrade of Bobeyan Road between Adaminaby and the ACT border.

The Bobeyan Road project will see the sharing of skills and resources across the two Councils to achieve community outcomes, advancing a priority of the Canberra Regional Joint Organisation of joint regional procurement.

“This initiative of Councils working together to deliver projects across Local Government Boundaries is a positive one and maybe a model for other Councils to consider in achieving the efficient and effective delivery of projects across the region,” said Snowy Valleys Council CEO, Matthew Hyde.

Peter Bascomb, Snowy Monaro Regional Council CEO said, “This project will improve connectivity to Canberra, identified as a key enabler for realising positive benefits from regional investments. The sealing of the road will not only make it safer but will cut driving time to Canberra by at least an hour.”

Significant pre-construction works have been undertaken in the interim including detailed survey and designs, heritage and aboriginal assessments and ordering of materials. The bushfires, which heavily impacted the Snowy Mountains area, also impacted the commencement of on-ground project works.

Onsite works are now underway beginning with the reconstruction of the Back Creek Crossing.
The general scope of works includes:
• widening of the road formation, travel lanes and shoulders;
• upgrade of the intersections at Shannons Flat Road and Yaouk Road;
• improved driveway junctions;
• realignment and smoothing of the road alignment on some of the bends.

Snowy Monaro Regional Council was awarded $20 million in funding for the upgrades with a completion date of June 2023.

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