No recycling loads transported from the Snowy Monaro to the Canberra Resource Management Centre have been rejected for contamination in the last 12 months, a major achievement in recycling rights for the region, Snowy Monaro Regional Council said in a statement today.
“In years past our region has suffered from high rates of recycling contamination and low participation in Council’s recycling service,” it said.
“This most recent update from Council’s recycling transporter shows that our region has heard the call to step up, and are doing their part as a community to recycle right.”
Council said materials recovered from the region’s recycling goes on to a wide variety of applications:
• Paper and cardboard is sold on to VISY for use in packaging;
• Glass is crushed and is sold on to a contractor for use in road base, sand and asphalt;
• Aluminium and steel products are 100% recyclable and require less energy to produce than new products.
“Council would like to congratulate our community on their achievement. The benefits to the climate and our environment from large scale recycling initiatives like ours go a long way to ensuring a sustainable future for all of us,” Council said.