Saturday, February 15, 2025

Smooth seas for Rocky flood training

Rockhampton Regional Council has carried out its annual flood barrier exercise this week, ensuring staff are practiced and prepared should it be required this disaster season.

The exercise, which involves practicing the assembly of a temporary flood barrier, is carried out on an annual basis to help protect residents during floods.

Mayor Tony Williams said he was pleased to report another successful exercise for the flood barrier.

“At the start of this week Council officers carried out a practice set up of a 20 metre section of the 400 metre long flood barrier, inspecting the barrier and ensuring staff are trained and ready to deploy if needed,” Mayor Williams said. 

“The flood barrier is made of collapsible galvanised steel supports, aluminium sheets, and a waterproof membrane, and helps to protect residents up to a flood gauge level of approximately 9.5 metres.

“Another key feature of the barrier is that it can be assembled quickly once severe weather warnings are received which is vital during an emergency situation.”

He said this week’s heavy rain was a timely reminder for residents to be prepared.

“We are coming into storm season and I would urge everyone to think about their own preparations for extreme weather events,” Mayor Williams said.

“Of course, the temporary flood barrier is something we hope we don’t need to use, however Rockhampton residents know that the reality of severe weather is possible.”

The temporary flood barrier forms part of the North Rockhampton Flood Management Area – Emergency Response Plan.

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