Thursday, February 13, 2025

Resources Council calls for apology from Federal MPs

The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has expressed its disappointment over what it says was the “poor treatment” of a delegation of local government and community representatives from a major Queensland resources region by senior Federal Government members on a recent visit to Canberra.

QRC Chief Executive, Ian Macfarlane (pictured) says members of the Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE) group deserve an apology from the Government representatives involved.

“Members of the group, led by Western Downs Regional Council Mayor, Paul McVeigh, travelled to Canberra to meet in good faith with Federal Government ministers and other representatives, including from the Prime Minister’s Office, to discuss newly introduced gas policies that will have a major impact on their region,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“TSBE delegates travelled to Canberra to explain how the flow-on effects of the Government intervention are leading to local companies cancelling or postponing projects that would support regional jobs and economic growth.”

“To hear accounts from the group that the Minister for Regional Development and Territories, Kristy McBain, instantly dismissed their concerns and other government officials accused the companies of ‘wartime profiteering’ is disgraceful,” he said.

Mr Macfarlane said gas had become a key industry for the region and TSBE was “justifiably proud” of the contribution their region makes to the local, state and national economies.

“The jobs of 4,000 people in their region are directly or indirectly supported by the gas sector so it’s understandable TSBE would want to discuss the negative impact of the Federal Government intervention in the gas market,” he said.

“If the Federal Government won’t listen to resources companies, it can at least provide regional organisations like TSBE the courtesy of proper consultation on matters that have a deep impact of their communities.

“It is concerning that Government representatives instead used the meetings to push an anti-resources ideology, demonising the gas sector to score political points with no regard to the damage being caused to future project investment.”

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