Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Redland council completes swim enclosure maintenance


Redland City Council has completed essential maintenance works on Karragarra Island to ensure the popular swimming enclosure is ready for the busy summer swimming season.

Mayor ,Jos Mitchell said the works, which included a full replacement of the enclosure netting and installation of new cabling and fixings, would ensure all elements of the structure remained robust.

“We are focused on providing safe environments for our community and I am very pleased to see necessary maintenance being carried out for community benefit and enjoyment,” the Mayor said.

“We are privileged to have several natural swimming areas on Redlands Coast, the majority of which are located on our islands.

“The replacement of the Karragarra swimming net and other components ensures the community is able to enjoy safe swimming and recreation experiences.

“Council funds and carries out regular maintenance works on its seven swimming enclosures as part of its annual asset replacement and improvement program.”

The Karragarra Island works were completed over five days starting in late September and included a full net replacement and installation of new cabling, the Mayor said.

“This follows on from similar maintenance works completed at the Amity Point and Dunwich swimming enclosures on North Stradbroke Island earlier this year, where netting was also replaced.”

Division 5 Councillor, Shane Rendalls said maintenance was essential for the long-term durability of the swimming enclosure.

“This project is just one example of Council’s commitment to ensuring its range of assets are kept in good order for the community,” Cr Rendalls said.

“As you can appreciate, the enclosure netting and other components are subject to degradation over time, so regular maintenance works are critical.

“I encourage our island residents to get the family together and spend a day relaxing at their local foreshore this summer.”

For a full list of Council swimming enclosure locations on Redlands Coast, visit the Redland City Council website.

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