Sunday, January 26, 2025

Queensland divisional boundary reviews finalised

The Local Government Change Commission (Change Commission) has today finalised divisional boundary reviews for the Bundaberg Regional Council, Fraser Coast Regional Council, Isaac Regional Council, and Tablelands Regional Council.

Proposed changes to the divisions for each of these local government areas were put to public consultation in July and the Change Commission has considered all submissions received.

“The Change Commission recommended that the proposed boundaries put to public consultation become the final divisions for the Bundaberg, Fraser Coast and Isaac Regional Councils,” said Electoral Commissioner, Pat Vidgen.

“The Change Commission did not consider the proposed transfer of Herberton from Division 2 to Division 1 was in the public interest and recommended that there be no change to the divisional boundaries of the Tablelands Regional Council.

“Divisional boundaries are reviewed in the year before the local government elections to make sure each person’s vote has the same value.

“We have now finalised reports on each of the four reviews and these reports can be viewed on the ECQ website.”

Change Commission reports will be provided to the Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning for implementation of the recommendations under a Regulation.

The new boundaries will come into operation at the next local government election when electors will vote in the new divisions, the Commission said in a statement today.

Below is a summary of public submissions received for each of the local government areas by the Change Commission:

Bundaberg Regional Council

38 submissions received on the proposed changes: 10 submissions supported, 14 submissions did not support, and 14 submissions did not express a definitive position.

Fraser Coast Regional Council

51 submissions received on the proposed changes: 29 submissions supported, 12 submissions did not support, and 10 submissions did not express a definitive position.

Isaac Regional Council

Two submissions were received on the proposed changes: both suggested the current boundaries remain unchanged. However, this is not possible due to legislative requirements to maintain equitable distribution of electors.

Tablelands Regional Council

48 submissions were received on the proposed changes: 18 supported, 25 submissions did not support, and five submissions did not express a definitive position.

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