Thursday, February 13, 2025

Property Council applauds SEQ City Deal

The Property Council of Australia has applauded the three levels of government for signing up to a tripartite commitment to shape the future of the South East Queensland region.

The Federal and Queensland Governments and the Council of Mayors South East Queensland (SEQ) yesterday signed the SEQ City Deal – a joint commitment to deliver $1.8 billion worth of infrastructure to transform the region.

The City Deal is supported by a $667.77 million investment from the Commonwealth, $618.78 million from the state and $501.62 million from the Council of Mayors (SEQ), plus $75 million from industry.

Prime Minister, Scott Morrison said the SEQ City Deal was all about delivering for the people of South East Queensland.

“This is a partnership for Queensland jobs and Queensland investment to deliver a stronger economy and a stronger future,” the Prime Minister said.

“South East Queensland is one of the fastest growing regions in Australia, and with the population expected to continue to grow, it is crucial that we invest in the infrastructure it needs to thrive for decades to come.

“The economic impact of this major investment will be significant, with more than 30 projects set to generate more than 2,000 jobs, while ensuring that the state is in the best position possible to host a successful 2032 Olympics.”

Queensland Executive Director of the Property Council, Jen Williams (pictured, above), said a City Deal is just what is needed for South East Queensland to leverage state positivity and ensure the three levels of government have a plan in place to guide the growth of the region.

“City Deals are designed to take a long-term view on planning for the future of our cities. They have a 20-plus year lifespan, so are intended to transcend political cycles and document a shared vision for the future,” she said.

“The SEQ City Deal is a credit to the Federal Government, Queensland Government and Council of Mayors (SEQ). Over several years, political representatives have worked together and with industry to identify game-changing projects, programs and a future pipeline that require a shared commitment.

“As a long-term plan, the City Deal does not seek to allocate funding to all projects on the horizon, rather it aligns the three levels of government on key program areas and how funding decisions will be made.

“Since partnering with the Council of Mayors (SEQ) in 2014 to examine the feasibility of a City Deal for the region, the Property Council has been an active participant in the Deal’s development.

“We welcome the signing of the SEQ City Deal as the first tripartite plan for the region, and a solid platform for the delivery of future agreements, such as what will be needed to address the current housing crisis, and leverage the opportunities presented by the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.”

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