Saturday, February 15, 2025

Perth enters into Yacker-Danjoo with Aboriginal Elders

The City of Perth has officially entered into a Yacker Danjoo Ngala Bidi with representatives of the City of Perth Elders Advisory Group.

City of Perth Lord Mayor, Basil Zempilas, CEO Michelle Reynolds and Aboriginal Elders took part in a ceremony last week to sign the significant document, acknowledging Whadjuk Nyoongar people as the Traditional Owners of the land on which Perth city is located.

“We are grateful for the knowledge and guidance the Elders have provided to help shape the City’s projects and initiatives, ensuring Aboriginal history and culture is celebrated throughout our community,” he said.

“The Elders have helped to create groundwork for moving forward, working in partnership and making things happen.

“The Yacker Danjoo Ngala Bidi will further demonstrate the City’s intention to learn from the past and provide the guiding principles for how we will work together in our continuing reconciliation journey.

“It is a commitment by both parties to respectfully work together to improve the future of Aboriginal people and to ensure the true history and culture of Aboriginal people is visible throughout the City of Perth.”

Yacker Danjoo Ngala Bidi means ‘Working Together Our Way’ in Whadjuk Nyoongar and is reflective of the steps the City has taken with the Elders Advisory Group towards reconciliation.

The process began in 2018 as part of the City of Perth’s Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan.

The Elders are the Bridyas (bosses) and as such are recognised, valued and honoured by the City as heads of the Aboriginal community. They are Elder Theresa Walley, Elder Doolan Eatts, Elder Ben Taylor, Elder Margaret Culbong, Elder Muriel Bowie, Elder Walter Eatts, Elder Farley Garlett, Elder Irene McNamara, Elder Albert McNamara and Elder Noel Nannup.

View part one of the Yacker Danjoo video series here:

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