The Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA) says new housing targets for councils across the state offer a positive way to address the ongoing housing crisis but warn there needs to be genuine partnership around their delivery.
VLGA CEO, Kathryn Arndt said that little consultation had occurred before the announcement of the proposed targets and that the approach from the Victorian Government would need to change significantly for the policy to succeed.
“Local councillors and council staff have a deep understanding of their local communities
and the potential benefits that new housing can bring. It is critical to this policy’s success
that local government’s role in developing planning schemes is valued,” she said.
“The goal of increasing the number of homes in the places where people want to live, work
and play is a good one. The question that Victorians will be asking themselves is whether or not this will be done in partnership with local communities or driven by developers.”
In most cases, councils should retain powers to make planning decisions based on meaningful community engagement and agreed planning schemes that will deliver the best
outcomes for current and future generations of people living and working in their municipalities, said Ms Arndt.