Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Orange seeks public input for new DCP

Orange City Council is asking local residents what is most important about their neighbourhood as the first step towards drafting an updated Development Control Plan (DCP) for the municipality.

Orange City Council Planning and Development Committee Chair, Councillor Jeff Whitton said residents who complete an online survey describing the character of their neighbourhood will help shape the new DCP.

“Orange has continued to change since the Council’s current DCP was adopted in 2004,” Cr Whitton said.

“The character of local neighbourhoods has become more diverse and richer, so the new DCP aims to link new development controls to the desired future character for parts of Orange.”

Cr Whitton said the DCP will set overall design principles to guide how Orange will develop into the future, reflecting expectations of how the city will grow and change over the coming decades.

For the first time, the new DCP will aim to have a place-based approach to development controls that are tailored to support ‘desired future character’ objectives for individual neighbourhoods.

“Desired future character is the intended look and feel of a residential neighbourhood,” Cr Whitton said.

“It’s what makes it distinctive, including the combination of qualities that gives each place its unique identity.”

He said understanding local character involves consideration of features, such as:

  • Topography and natural features
  • Waterways and habitat areas
  • Building types and architectural styles
  • Historic streetscapes
  • Views and visual landmarks
  • Significant trees and vegetation
  • Parks and open spaces
  • Fences and gardens
  • Local facilities

Orange residents can compete the online Neighbourhood Character Survey at YourSay Orange .

Council intends to have a draft version of the new DCP available for public exhibition in early 2023.

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