Sunday, January 26, 2025

OLG to consult on lobbying of councillors

The Office of Local Government (OLG) is undertaking consultation on the development of guidelines and a model policy on the lobbying of councillors.

Mayors, councillors and councils are being invited to provide input to inform Local Government NSW’s submission on behalf of the sector.

In response to ICAC investigations, OLG is proposing to develop guidelines to enhance transparency around the lobbying of councillors.

“OLG is also developing a model policy on lobbying to support councils to implement the guidelines. If adopted by councils, the policy would operate to supplement the provisions of their adopted codes of conduct,” LGNSW said in a statement this week.

The OLG consultation with local government is seeking views on:

  • what should be included in proposed OLG guidelines to enhance transparency around lobbying of councillors;
  • whether the Lobbying of Government Officials Act 2011 should apply to local government.

To assist with the development of the guidelines and model policy, OLG is seeking the following from councils:

  • councils’ views and suggestions on ICAC’s recommendations on the content of the proposed guidelines;
  • suggestions on what issues, behaviours and risks need to be addressed in the guidelines and model policy;
  • information about what measures councils currently take to enhance transparency and promote honesty around the lobbying of councillors, and copies of or links to councils’ existing lobbying policies.

More information on the consultation is available in the OLG circular online.

Submissions made directly to OLG are due by Monday 5 September 2022 and should be submitted to

To provide input for LGNSW’s submission, please email,au by Thursday 25 August 2022.

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