Sunday, January 26, 2025

NSW plan to future-proof state’s coastline

A sustainable, secure and safe coastline for future generations is at the forefront of a new five-year strategic plan released today by the NSW Government, which outlines the state’s priorities and commits significant funding and resources to support councils in future-proofing their coastal environment.

Minister for Local Government, Shelley Hancock said the Future Directions Statement for NSW’s Coastal and Estuary Management Program acknowledged the pivotal role local councils play in managing the state’s vast coastal environment.

“The priorities in this new statement focus on steps local councils and the community can take to ensure we leave our beautiful coastal environment in a better place for our future generations to enjoy,” Mrs Hancock said.

“Last year, I called for a strategic document that showcased the NSW Government’s intentions and aspirations for the Coastal and Estuary Management Program over the next 12 months, two years and five years.

“In developing the Future Directions Statement, we listened to what local councils had been saying and sought additional feedback from the sector, other agencies and key coastal management stakeholders on what the priorities should be.”

The Future Directions Statement commits the NSW Government to 54 actions under five priority areas including:

  1. Delivering outcomes;
  2. Reviewing legislation and updating guidance;
  3. Supporting coordination, collaboration and engagement;
  4. Providing science and information; and
  5. Funding and financing.

Minister Hancock said the statement would help to encourage further collaboration in managing the state’s shared vision and goals for the NSW coastline.

“The result is a well thought out program of strong actions to strategically address how we manage complex coastal issues that require a coordinated and collaborative approach,” Mrs Hancock said.

“I encourage all coastal councils to continue to develop their management programs as a priority and set their long-term strategy for managing the coast and estuaries.”

For further information and to view the Future Directions Statement, visit Future Directions Statement.

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