Thursday, February 13, 2025

Newcastle walks out new plan for Mayfield

City of Newcastle Council is inviting Mayfield residents and businesses to take part in a series of ‘walk-shops’ to uncover ideas for the future of their suburb.

Two walking tours will visit four locations within the Maitland Road shopping precinct to explore how locals use these areas now, and what could be done to make them more vibrant, active spaces.

Council says the feedback will help guide concept designs for future placemaking activities and start to inform the development of the Mayfield Local Centre upgrade.

Lord Mayor, Nuatali Nelmes said Council was committed to collaborating with the Mayfield community.

“Our Local Centre upgrades are designed to refresh and revitalise neighbourhood shopping precincts across Newcastle, which in turn encourages residents to support local businesses,” she said.

“We want to work with the community to implement revitalised infrastructure, improved landscaping, and public art that aims to create an inviting space for people to meet, relax and enjoy retail offerings in a safe and welcoming environment.

“This first stage of consultation will help inform future planning for Mayfield, allowing us to capture the community’s thoughts on how they use their local centre, and how we can better activate these spaces for the benefit of all.”

The Mayfield project will be delivered through Council’s Local Centres program, which invests in communities across Newcastle.

Concept planning and detailed design work for priority sites in Mayfield is expected to occur in 2025, along with further engagement, with construction earmarked for 2026.

Previous projects have delivered upgrades in Beresford Avenue, Beresfield; Mitchell Street, Stockton; Young Street, Carrington; James Street Plaza, Hamilton; Llewellyn Street, Merewether; Joslin Street, Kotara, Sandgate Road, Shortland; Nelson Street, Wallsend, Blackbutt Village, New Lambton and Darby Street, Cooks Hill.

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