Monday, February 10, 2025

Newcastle Ocean Baths revamp progresses

City of Newcastle Council is progressing the development of its plans for the final stage of the Newcastle Ocean Baths upgrade following feedback from the community.

The Council says a comprehensive engagement campaign conducted between 17 June and 5 August last year generated significant interest, with the community engaging with project information almost half a million times.

Following a recent workshop to bring newly elected Councillors up to speed on this priority project, Council has published the outcomes of these community engagement activities on its website.

Council CEO, Jeremy Bath, today acknowledged the importance of the Newcastle Ocean Baths.

“The Baths are a much-loved heritage icon for our city, with so many memories created and celebrated by both residents and visitors, making community engagement on the site integral to its upgrade,” Mr Bath said.

The concept plans incorporate the revitalisation of the pavilion buildings including the Art Deco façade, while also enhancing the upper promenade and surrounding areas.

Executive Director City Infrastructure, Clint Thomson, reflected on the value of the feedback provided by a broad cross section of the local community.

“The community feedback we received included a broad range of views on the proposed design, with themes of interest including provision of seating and shade, the layout of change rooms, and calls for both changes to and support of the proposed roof design,” Mr Thomson said.

“The detailed design phase will explore the results of this consultation in combination with technical studies, to inform how, what, and where refinements and enhancements can be facilitated.

“Our team is exploring a north – south split within changerooms in the northern pavilion building following feedback from the community about the proposed east – west layout, as well as ways to incorporate natural lighting and ventilation through the roof space of the changerooms.”

Prepared by Principal Design Consultant, Tonkin Zulaikha Greer, Council says the design continues to be informed by community engagement and feedback as well as industry leading heritage expertise, with input from environment, engineering and architecture professionals.

The baths site is protected as a heritage item of local significance by the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 in accordance with the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.

The design for both stages of the upgrade takes this, and the requirements of a possible State Heritage Listing, into account, Council says.

Following revisions to the design based on the engagement campaign, Council will seek planning approval through a development application process, which includes Heritage NSW. This will be followed by detailed design for Stage Two, with the aim of having the project tendered and construction commenced within the current Council term.

“It’s been just over a year since the pool re-opened for swimming following the Stage One upgrade, and since the peak holiday period has passed, it’s now time to take a closer look at the pool to see how it has fared in its first year,” Mr Thomson said.

“On Monday 24 February our team will close and drain the Baths, and use machinery to move large volumes of sand that has built up to enable inspection of the pool floor and walls.

“While we are there, we will also take the opportunity to complete a deep clean of the Baths to maintain water quality for swimmers in the months ahead.”

The Baths are expected to be closed for up to a week, depending on weather conditions.

The Engagement Report can be viewed at

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