City of Newcastle Council has announced it will begin planning for the renewal of Broadmeadow as a regionally significant growth area.
Broadmeadow was identified in the NSW Government’s Hunter Regional Plan 2041 as a regionally significant growth area. Its central location has been earmarked for diverse and affordable housing options, and to become a nationally significant sport and entertainment precinct for Greater Newcastle and the Hunter.
Council this week unanimously endorsed to prepare a draft Place Strategy in partnership with the Department of Planning and Environment and says it will now engage with multiple stakeholders including the community to seek input about their vision for the area.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the Place Strategy will help set the vision, direction and guide where key infrastructure and services should be located within Broadmeadow.
“Broadmeadow’s central location, existing and future public transport opportunities, Government-owned land and large industrial sites offer significant opportunity for open space and community facility improvements along with providing essential housing and the creation of jobs,” Lord Mayor Nelmes said.
“City of Newcastle is working in close partnership with the NSW Government to ensure that the Department of Planning and Environment proposal to rezone land for additional housing within the precinct fits with the overall vision for this regionally significant area.
“Over the coming months, City of Newcastle will be encouraging locals who live, work and play in Broadmeadow to provide input to help shape the vision to guide future change.
“We want to better understand the precinct’s unique opportunities and we’ll achieve this by engaging with our local community while also utilising a range of technical studies to support planning for Broadmeadow’s future to create a new and enhanced place for the community to use and enjoy for years to come.”
Executive Director Planning & Environment, Michelle Bisson said the Place Strategy will look holistically at the precinct.
“We will be considering infrastructure, opportunities and constraints, as well as the planning matters in order to enhance the area for both current and future residents. It will be used to guide future planning proposals and development in the area,” Ms Bisson said.
A report will be presented to the elected Council in late 2023 to publicly exhibit the draft Broadmeadow Place Strategy for further comment.