A series of discussion papers has been released for community feedback to help build a new long-term transport strategy for City of Adelaide Council.
Council’s 2024-2028 Strategic Plan has an objective to facilitate and activate places in a safe and accessible way. As a result, Council’s Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) is being developed with help from stakeholders and the wider community.
Council says the ITS will provide a clear policy position for transport and streets within the City, replacing the Smart Move, Transport and Movement Strategy 2012-22.
The strategy will include an implementation plan, reflecting priorities and costs to inform future Business Plans and Budgets and Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan.
Central Ward Councillor, David Elliott said Council staff had been working hard to develop the strategy but hearing about the community’s needs was an important part of the process.
“Hearing directly from people who move around the city helps us make sure the strategy is based on evidence and people’s experiences,” said Councillor Elliott.
“The team has released a series of discussion papers to help our community think about how they move into and around the city now and in the future.
“Feedback will help ensure we have a city that is people-friendly, by improving conditions for people walking/wheeling, cycling and using public transport while also addressing the needs for parking and motor vehicle access.
“The strategy is also about developing a plan to help optimise street space and make changes to streets in order to create more welcoming, green and accessible streets,” he said.
Engagement is being undertaken over a four-week period, closing Monday, 2 December. The engagement includes an online ‘Our Adelaide’ engagement page as well as a series of drop-in community sessions and specific engagement with children and young people (via a survey).
Read the discussion papers:
- Street Space and Kerbside
- Management Cycling and Cycle Parking
- Public Transport
- Motor Vehicles and Parking
- Walking and Wheeling
- Shared Micromobility
- Events, Works and Transport Disruptions
- Urban Freight, City Servicing, Waste Transport and Deliveries
Following stakeholder and community feedback, an engagement report will be developed to summarise key findings and inform the development of a draft ITS.
Visit Our Adelaide to have your say: ouradelaide.sa.gov.au/integrated-transport-strategy.