Albury is set to welcome 24 new social housing homes for senior residents after receiving planning approval for a development on East and Alexandra Streets.
NSW Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes, Anthony Roberts said the East Albury project is the first to proceed to the delivery stage, following the landmark agreement between NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) and Albury City Council.
“This development not only showcases the NSW Government’s commitment to deliver more social housing across regional NSW, but also demonstrates the benefits of faster planning approvals when state and local government collaborate,” Mr Roberts said.
“Everyone in NSW should have a roof over their head and receive the wrap-around services they need to thrive. I am proud that we can provide more social housing to the Albury community.”
Minister for Families and Communities and Minister for Disability Services, Natasha Maclaren-Jones said the NSW Government is working closely alongside Council on projects like this as well as larger redevelopments to increase social and affordable housing across Albury.
“We are increasing housing diversity, supply and affordability, as well as creating new jobs for the local economy,” Mrs Maclaren-Jones said.
Member for Albury, Justin Clancy said the development reflected the social housing needs for Albury, with three adaptable units for people who require a wheelchair.
“The latest Local Area Analyses called for new one and two-bedroom units for seniors, and this project is helping to address this need by offering modern, convenient, fit-for- purpose units which are close to essential transport and health services,” Mr Clancy said.
Builders are now invited to express their interest for the East and Alexandra Streets project, which will transform five older properties into 14 one-bedroom and 10 two-bedroom social housing units.
Construction on the East and Alexandria Streets development is set to start in early 2023 with completion expected by late 2024. The open market tender process for the project will end on 1 February 2023.
For more information and to apply for the tender process, please visit eTendering: Design Finalisation and Construction of 24 General Housing units – East Albury.